that which is heard, that which is remembered pt. 1
Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman

OORtreders Festival 2024

that which is heard, that which is remembered pt. 1 is the first draft of a new performative installation by Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman. The audience is welcome to flop down amongst the intimate quadraphonic set-up for a cappella duet, shruti box and speakers. The acoustic, spatial, tactile and material sensation of sound prevails in this surround sensorial experience, fully attuned to the rhythmic breath of the shruti box and the performers themselves.

For Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman, 2024 is a year of artistic rebirth. All the way back to the core and origins of her sound and voice art and to figuring out how she explores new artistic paths from there. Thus, almost by accident, she discovered the simple and complex beauty of the shruti box: a small and compact, ancient organ and perhaps an acoustic precursor of the modular analogue synthesiser. Lierman and Wouters make the shruti box’s bellows work like a mechanical lung, bringing the shruti box to life, letting it breathe and allowing endless minimalist harmonies and textures to weave and resonate with each other like a musical loom, with the voice as the common thread.

Composition: Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman – Performers: Denis Wouters and Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman

That which is heard, that which is remembered pt. 1 is a co-production of Musica Impulse Centre and Overtoon.


Theatre building Dommelhof (Black Box)


Saturday 19 October at 7:00 pm


60 minutes


19 October

20 October