

At Musica, we believe we achieve the most by connecting the right people. That is at the heart of our research project CONNECT, connecting experts, teachers and performers. CONNECT focuses on the practical differences between art and education and aims to bridge them. We make the connection between music and habits of the past and present, between practice and theory, between creativity and skill.

CONNECT III: SenseSquared

If you raise children artistically and sensorially, will the world become a better place? More sustainable and more connected? Six European partners, including Musica, are working together to answer that question. Through artistic interventions and workshops, we want to show that this approach can and even should become the core of all education.

Experiencing art with your senses makes your life happier and fuller. It can make a deep and lasting impression on you. Experiencing art sensorially not only provides deep learning, but is also easy to connect to the standard school curriculum.

With SenseSquared, we want to demonstrate that this approach:

  • is easy to understand and apply
  • is compatible with existing curricula
  • reinforces the interaction between children and teachers in a fun way
  • connects deeply and intuitively with the humanity of children and teachers
  • contributes enormously to motivation and learning pleasure

SenseSquared offers a hands-on and simple approach with fun, challenging exercises, contexts, tools and kits.

SenseSquared is a collaboration between Musica Impulse Centre (BE), Companhia de Música Teatral (PT), Marres, House for Contemporary Culture (NL), Sisters Hope (DK), Stavanger University (NO) and Maastricht University (NL).