KIEM Geraardsbergen

Babelut Workshops 

Let musical stories grow

From a musical seed grows a KIEM full of rhythmic, melodic and playful elements. Enchanting stories full of colourful sounds sprout from a musical seed.

KIEM is a workshop in which music comes to life during four short sessions. Our educator starts with a playful melody, a catchy rhythm or a small pattern. The children respond with their whole bodies and actively participate with instruments or other materials. A musical story grows out of the interaction.


Wednesdays 20 & 27 September and 11 & 18 October 2023

9:00 am: babies from 0 to 9 months
10:00 am: toddlers from 9 to 18 months
11:00 am: toddlers aged 18 to 30 months


Huis van het Kind, Geraardsbergen

Babelut Workshops 

For babies, toddlers and preschoolers, music is one big experiment. To respond to this, Musica organises workshops in which you as a parent or carer enter into a musical dialogue with your child, discovering all about the sound of voice and body. The music teacher guides you and ensures that spontaneity and play are central. […]

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