KIEM Sint-Niklaas

Babelut Workshops 

From a musical seed, enchanting stories full of rhythmic, melodic and playful elements emerge. Everything is deployed: wobbly little legs, singing fingers, a wiggling behind and various small instruments. Choose your starting time and sign up as a parent-child duo for this fantastic experience for toddlers between 1 and 1.5 years old. An interactive performance devised and brought to you by Musica Impulse Centre.


Saturday 3 June 2023 at 10:00, 10:50 or 11:40 am


de Bib, Sint-Niklaas

Babelut Workshops 

For babies, toddlers and preschoolers, music is one big experiment. To respond to this, Musica organises workshops in which you as a parent or carer enter into a musical dialogue with your child, discovering all about the sound of voice and body. The music teacher guides you and ensures that spontaneity and play are central. […]

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