
Book publication ‘Doors of Listening’
Since October 2020 Doors of Listening has been a part of the permanent collection in Het Klankenbos. The polyphonic sound installation was created by the families, children and residents of the refugee shelter in the border town of Pelt (BE), together with the international artist Félix Blume. This work has now inspired the publication of a book with the same name. Together with researcher Christos Carras and Félix Blume the residents ponder the power of collaboration through art, and the deeper meaning hidden within that can even transcend the artwork itself.
The book can be purchased at a price of 15 euros. Order your copy here.

Poetry collection ‘Het laat zich niet vangen’
For Het Klankenbos’ tenth anniversary in 2015, poets in Flanders and the Netherlands considered the relationship between humans, sound and the environment. From an overwhelming number of submissions, a jury selected eight poems about sound that have been given a permanent place in The Klankenbos and included in a thematic publication entitled ‘Het laat zich niet vangen – Gedichtenparcours 10 jaar Klankenbos’.
The poetry collection can be purchased from Uitgeverij P for 12.50 euros (excluding postage). Order your copy here.

Klankenbos catalogue
The Klankenbos catalogue is a delightful publication that tells you all about the collection and the contributing artists. Find out more about the ideas behind the works and the technical feats some of them conceal. All the works are illustrated with beautiful photographs and sketches by the artists. You will also find several ‘earpieces’ by David Helbich in the publication: compositions that encourage the reader to listen in a different way.
The publication is no longer current. Preview.