Unlocking Babelut Route: introduction at Bright Start International Conference

Babelut Workshops 

Bright Start International Conference is an international gathering of leading experts in early childhood care & education. A not-to-be-missed conference for advancing the positive development of young children everywhere.

Bringing music to a young audience is one of the pillars of Musica. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers have a special musical sensitivity. Music’s ambiguity allows young children to immediately approach as full participants in arts and culture. One shouldn’t hesitate to immerse them in all kinds of music. They enjoy the experience very much. Experiencing arts together with siblings, (grand)parents and other caregivers increases the emotional connection between all of them. Besides that, it stimulates an embodied understanding of the world and it is also just a lot of fun.

At the Bright Start International Conference, you can get to know Musica’s projects and some core aspects of our approach. Through Babelut Route, a musical education programme for anyone working with young children, you will learn the core aspects of our approach.


Loes Bruyninckx, Musica Impulse Centre


Sunday 5 November 2023, from 10:00 to 10:30 am


Conference: Athens, Greece
Lecture: Online

Babelut Workshops 

For babies, toddlers and preschoolers, music is one big experiment. To respond to this, Musica organises workshops in which you as a parent or carer enter into a musical dialogue with your child, discovering all about the sound of voice and body. The music teacher guides you and ensures that spontaneity and play are central. […]

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