How can we foster an artistic attitude in the classroom?
Marres is organizing a three-day Training the Senses event as part of the SenseSquared education project. Training the Senses consists of interactive workshops at the intersection of art and science aimed at embodied knowledge. This inspirational training is intended for individuals interested in education, particularly those looking to approach current educational practices with creativity and a fresh perspective.
From 4 to 6 June 2024, workshops will be held by European partners of the Erasmus+ SenseSquared project. Six European cultural institutions and universities have collaborated in research on using an artistic approach for sustainable development in education.
The workshops are intended for European teachers and educational staff in primary, secondary, and higher education and will take place at Marres. Interested individuals can participate each day between 4 and 7 pm. The program varies each day.
At Training the Senses, workshops are interactive and practical, followed by theoretical backgrounds and research. The duration of each workshop is 75 minutes, with two workshops available to attend each day.
SenseSquared is a collaboration between Musica Impulse Centre (BE), Companhia de Música Teatral (PT), Marres, House for Contemporary Culture (NL), Sisters Hope (DK), Stavanger University (NO) and Maastricht University (NL).
4:00-4:.15 pm: Welcome and introduction
4:15-5:30 pm: First round of workshops
5:35-6:50 pm: Second workshop round
7:00 pm: Meeting and closing in the garden of Marres with snacks, drinks and talks
Participation is free of charge.
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