Babelut Workshops 

The music educator immerses you in a warm, soft cocoon of delightful sounds. Swaying melodies alternate with rhythmic impulses. Sometimes there is only sound, other times you can see and feel the music. KOKOON is a musical workshop where the very young and their (grand)parents sing and move together. Music and sensory experiences become fused. As sounds are made tangible and visible, all senses are stimulated. An intense and enjoyable experience!




info@campuso3.be or call 089 36 79 40


Saturday 8 June 2024
From 9.00 to 9.30 am: for (grand)parents with children between 3 and 8 months old.
From 10.00 to 10.30 am: for (grand)parents with children between 8 and 13 months old.
From 11.00 to 11.30 am: for (grand)parents with children between 13 and 18 months old.


Campus O3, Genk-Centre

Babelut Workshops 

For babies, toddlers and preschoolers, music is one big experiment. To respond to this, Musica organises workshops in which you as a parent or carer enter into a musical dialogue with your child, discovering all about the sound of voice and body. The music teacher guides you and ensures that spontaneity and play are central. […]

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