A world of music for the little ones
Enjoying, feeling and experiencing music together. That is what Babelut does. Children aged 0 to 5 discover music through interaction with each other and their caregivers. Because just as every child is unique, music is a different experience for every ear.
Read more: BabelutWhy?
The (musical) world of experience of babies and young children is still completely open. They are already musical by nature! That is precisely why it is so interesting to let them experience all of the rich shades of music at this age. Babelut always starts from the interaction between three people: the child, the supervisor/parent and the music teacher/artist. What do we do?
- We invite you to interact musically.
- We show you, as a supervisor, teacher or parent, how zero to five-year-olds can experience music.
- We encourage you to create artistic and musical offerings.
- We tell you how musical experience can play a strong role in different contexts (at home, at school, in care, in public discourse).