

z.Lab – One Thousand Birds

Online immersive training on arts for childhood

With z.Lab – One Thousand Birds, children create art in a fun way and learn to listen and care for nature and each other through art.

z.Lab – One Thousand Birds is an online course for nursery school teachers. It teaches you about art in a special way. It shows you how art is all-encompassing and what kind of message it can convey to the preschoolers.

The inspiration for this course comes from a saying in Japanese traditional culture. According to this saying, a wish comes true if one folds a thousand ‘orizuros’ (cranes) while contemplating.

Educators from several countries, including Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Portugal, are encouraging their nursery schools to make paper birds using the origami technique ‘orizurus’. This group is invited to send their created orizuros for a collective installation. In doing so, they share a shared desire for peace and a harmonious world.

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